The msinsight provides an in-depth analysis and critical review of the literature regarding the efficacy of Shockwave treatment for erectile dysfunction. Specifically, we discuss the two major studies concerning the use of Shockwave in the treatment of male impotence and ED. We conclude by briefly considering some possible disadvantages inherent in this form of treatment. The purpose of this article is to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision when considering the options available to you.

A meta-analysis of ten published studies found that patients treated with the otolaryngological procedure had better outcomes than those treated with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. The study did not specify which procedure was used in the treatment but cited prior research and reviews which were critical of the efficacy of the treatment. It is therefore not surprising that the results were positive given the large number of trials done on the subject. There was also significant non-parametric analysis, which makes interpretation more difficult and makes the interpretation of the results more difficult.
In a post-study analysis, three different therapies namely, neurostimulation, cognitive therapy and pulsed-light therapy achieved statistical significance. These therapies combined produced a significant effect in terms of the percentage of individuals who reached statistical significance, demonstrating that roughly two thirds of the sample population showed improvement with treatment sessions. The combined effect of these three treatments was greater than the effect of any single therapy and therefore the combined data set was termed as Treatment Success. This is noteworthy because the combined result is what would be expected if Shockwave treatment for erectile dysfunction was effective.
Further studies confirmed that patients with erectile dysfunction were indeed helped by low-intensity shockwave therapy. The analysis also showed that patients treated with this method benefited from a combined total of cognitive therapy (numeric reasoning, attention and concentration tests, etc) and moderate psychotherapy. The patients who benefited from low-intensity shockwave therapy showed an improvement in terms of the percentage of times they reached statistical significance compared to those who received only counseling and did not undergo any treatments. The percentage of patients reporting improvements was higher among the placebo group than the group who underwent no treatments.
Low-voltage and high-frequency electrical pulses are used to deliver the shockwaves. Mild shockwaves can have a very damaging effect on the brain and cause permanent damage. Hence, even mild shocks are very harmful and should be avoided.
P-values refer to the statistical analysis results of the effects of Pulsed Short-Wave Diets (SSWD) on patients with erectile dysfunction. A p-value less than 0.10 indicates that the treatment success rate is very low and should be treated with care. However, in order to achieve good treatment success rate, it is best to find a practitioner who has a good reputation in delivering SSWD treatments.